Tag: Patagonia

Essential Packing List for Patagonia
Your Patagonia adventure awaits! Our curated packing list will ensure that you are well prepared for your journey.

The Best Time to Visit Patagonia in Chile and Argentina
Each of Patagonia’s seasons has something magical to offer intrepid travelers. Plan the best time to visit Patagonia with our Patagonia weather guide below.

South America Travel Quiz: Which Country Should You Visit?
Culinary delights, centuries old cities, ancient ruins and a rich cultures flourish in Latin America. Choosing just one hot-spot is hard work! Don’t stress. Take our handy quiz to see all the possibilities that await you.

Following in the Path of Darwin
Anabel, LAFL travel expert, shares a 200 year-old tale from one of history’s most intrepid travelers, Charles Darwin, as recorded in his book The Voyage of the Beagle.

Top Patagonia Tours in Argentina
These days Patagonia is much more accessible to visitors with excellent hotels, lodges, and transportation.

Argentina travel guide: Estancias, alternatives to El Calafate Hotels
There are many estancias near El Calafate in southern Argentina that offer room, board, and activities like horseback riding.

Skiing in Chile: The Best Ski Resorts in Chile
Travel down to the bottom of the world, where some of Patagonia’s most popular ski slopes crown Chile’s Andes.